Buddyz Place, Cross River.

39 Atekong Drive

Buddyz Place Description

History of Buddyz Place

Buddyz Place was built.

This is an exclusive spot with a club, lounge, restaurant, pastry and event center where friends can hangout and have a good time while listening to good music from a live band.

Security/Safety of Buddyz Place

This is a very safe location.

What To Bring

Before heading to Buddyz Place, here are some helpful things to take along with you:

  • Dancing shoes
  • Cash or Debit/Credit Card.
  • Things to do while at Buddyz Place

    Before heading to Buddyz Place, here are some helpful things to take along with you:

  • dancing and drinking
  • Best Features

    It is a prime exclusive spot with security, a large car park, a restaurant where local dishes are served, a lounge that boasts of a live band, a club and an event centre. It is a one-stop chill spot for locals and Calabar regulars.

    Writer's Review

    Its a very good spot for relaxation especially on a Friday when the place really comes to life.

    Most common visitors

    Fun lovers and courtesans








    39 Atekong Drive

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